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Eduart Makri - Producer
2015: QUO VADIS?
Short. Written, Directed, Produced, Playing-self. HD 16:9; Color, B&W 44’48”
Los Angeles Film Review Independent Film Awards – 2016
Depth of Film International Film Festival Awards 2016
Award of Exceptional Merit - Original Concept-Screenplay
Award of Merit - For Directing and Producing-Loose Short-Drama category
TV Shows completed
1999: TOWARDS HOPE - TV Reportage. Written, Directed and produced. Colour. Beta-cam Pro, 13 min.
1999: MEET YOU IN PRAYERS -TV Show. Written, Directed & Produced (co). Colour. 65 m. Bettacam Pro.
1998: ROOTS OF LIFE - TV Show. Written, Directed & Produced (co). Colour. Beta-cam Pro. 85 minutes.
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